
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So, I think I have Mono.

For the past several weeks, I have been incredibly exhausted, battling a constant headache, and fighting the urge to spit because my throat is so swollen. I have needed a nap everyday, just to get through.
Today, it occurred to me that this might not be normal.
Today, it occurred to me that I might be a little sick.
Today, it occurred to me that Amber had Mono.


But oddly enough (and maybe it's due to the fact that I just woke up from a one and a half hour nap), I am feeling really good right now.

Mentally, if not physically.

Today, I finished two term papers. I am actually really proud of them; I know there can still be polishing, but I really feel like at least one of them represents some of my best work. Here's hoping the professor agrees!

Today, I was able to wake up at 8:30. I haven't been able to do this for the past three weeks simply because I have been so exhausted. I firmly believe that I was able to do this because Travis (and his roommate Steve) gave me a blessing last night. In it, I was promised the blessing of strength. Today is the first day I have felt any resemblance of strength in my body.

Today, I was able to get out of class early and see Travis for a whole hour before his Folk Dance dinner started. I guess this isn't a big deal, since I spend most of my time with him these days, but I find myself more and more grateful for any time I get to spend with him everyday. Call it Christmas break blues.

Today, I realized that because of my illness, I have been thinking about Heavenly Father and the Savior a lot more. When I am walking up the hill on South campus, and I feel like my body is about the break into a million pieces, and yet I still make it to the top, I keep thinking that Heavenly Father must have pulled me up those last few steps. I think about the Word of Wisdom, and how it is so important to our lives. I realize now that while I have been living the letter of that particular law (yes, Mom, rejoice!), I haven't necessarily been living the spirit. I need to take care of my body. It is a gift from Heavenly Father and when I don't treat it well, by not sleeping enough, or not eating the right food, or exercising at all, I am dishonoring that gift.

Gifts. I have so many gifts. I love Christmas.

I realize that this post doesn't make much sense, and is just another in a now long line of my new hokey/corny/happy-go-lucky posts, I hope people can appreciate the sentiment.

It's Christmas. There is always something to be grateful for at Christmas.

And I'm guessing that just maybe there is something to be grateful for other times as well.



  1. I think everyone feels the same way you do about going up that hill. I usually stopped for a snack half way up.

  2. I hope you feel better soon!! Thanks for this post...believe it or not, I needed to read this today :)
