
Sunday, November 28, 2010

"the dearest freshness deep down things"

So, I recognize that I have been very happy-go-lucky recently and have written a whole bunch of sappy posts about how great my life is.

I guess this doesn't make for the best reading, eh?

Maybe I should be more edgy, more cynical, more everything, and really, I try. But sometimes I just want to tell the world how great my life is. I don't think that's a bad thing.

But I can write about things with a little more substance.

Last night, I listened to a talk by Jeffery R. Holland entitled Safety for the Soul. In this talk, Elder Holland bares a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and its truth. He sites a number of specific evidences to support his position of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, but the strongest evidence he has is by far his own testimony.

My favorite moment from this talk is this:

"I ask that my testimony of the Book of Mormon and all that it implies, given today under my own oath and office, be recorded by men on earth and angels in heaven. I hope I have a few years left in my “last days,” but whether I do or do not, I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true, that it came forth the way Joseph said it came forth and was given to bring happiness and hope to the faithful in the travail of the latter days."

I feel like I should contribute my own testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. 

I know it's true. I've read it, I've prayed about it, and I have felt that it is true. How can it not be? The book is full of stories and messages that encourage me at every moment, of every day, to be a better person. It tells me to sacrifice, to love my fellow man, and to lean on my Savior in all situations. While reading that book, I find answers to my questions, I find peace in my trials, and more than anything I find myself one step closer to understanding and knowing my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. 

I have seen lives changes from this book, and most importantly, I have seen my life change from this book. I can recall times when I have read less from this book, and I know that those are the times when I have been living less, not having the full life I could be having. But when I read, when I study the verses and chapters, I know I can be better. I know I am already better. 

When I have children, they will know this book. They will be raised, like I was, to read this book every day and grow from it every day. 

I'm sorry if any of my readers are uncomfortable with religion or maybe with Mormons specifically, but hopefully this blog is a testament from someone who is just a typical girl, perfectly ordinary in every way, that the Book of Mormon makes anyone who reads it extraordinary. I love this book and this gospel. It will carry me through the challenges I face now, and the challenges I am one day sure to face.

How's that for deep? :)

1 comment:

  1. I am studying the teachings of the Book of Mormon about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Today I read most of Alma 42 where Alma explains the effects of the fall of man. Because of Adam's transgression, Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden to experience mortality. Heavenly Father knew we would sin and fall short in our mortal journey so He provided us with a Savior, His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. This mortal life became a probationary state, a time to repent and serve God. I am so thankful for the powerful and clear way these truths are taught by prophets such as Alma in the Book of Mormon. I am trying to study them in depth and pray and ponder for understanding and wisdom in my own life. Without the teachings in the Book of Mormon to clarify, strengthen and support the teachings in the Bible, the plain and precious doctrines of Christ would be lost. I know the Book of Mormon is true because the testimonies and teachings recorded in it cause my heart to swell, my mind to expand and my faith in Jesus Christ to grow.
