
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So, I admit it.
There are times when I read my own blog.
I know, it's a little sad.
I mean, who actually reads their own blog?
But don't worry; it's not like I am sitting there reading my blog, thinking "Oh my gosh, I am so BRILLIANT! How do I not have an award of some kind by now?"

I just read it to edit, and do a little self-reflecting.
This time, while reading, I noticed a particular habit of mine that I never noticed before.


No kidding, I use them all the time. I just read through some of my posts, and I bet I have over twenty-five ellipsis in just these few posts.

Now you may be wondering a couple things:

1. What are ellipsis?
 According to
Printing . a mark or marks as ——, …, or * * *, to indicate an omission or suppression of letters or words.

2. Why is this significant?
I'm not quite sure. Maybe it means that I like to hold things back from the audience. I like to pique your interest by adding an ominous "..." to every sentence I have. Or maybe I am afraid of revealing my whole self to the audience, and hide my real feelings behind my "...." Or, maybe I just can't come up with enough to say, so I make up for it with "..."; It hides my inner lack of creativity. Or, maybe it's an indication of my own thought process, how there are significant pauses in almost every thought I have. Does it mean I'm stupid?!

Okay, I recognize that I am taking this a bit far. But honestly, doesn't our writing style reflect a little bit of who we are? Especially for an English major, like me?

What are your grammatical habits? Maybe it's boring to you, but I can't help but wonder if there isn't something hidden behind every dotted "i" or crossed "t".

Who knows...

1 comment:

  1. 1. I also read my own blog, but you would too if your baby were as cute as mine.

    2. I also use a lot of ellipsis. I view punctuation as an indication of how I want things read if they were to be read out lot, so when I want my reader to be extra thoughtful I use ellipsis. That's all punctuation is: a way of indicating to a reader how to read something out loud. Seriously, haven't you read Eat Shoots and Leaves?
