
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When I Stumble, I Fall...

Hello World,

I am sick.
Very sick.
Not throw-up sick.
I probably could be throw-up sick, but I hate throwing up, so I am NOT throw-up sick.
I think this will last 24 hours.
CORRECTION: It can only last 24 hours.
Because I have too much to do to waste time being sick.

Although, there are some advantages to being sick...
Like being able to write this blog entry.


So, I thought I would ramble on here for awhile before returning to Hulu, the saving-grace of all sick people.

Here are a few pent-up thoughts:

1. Have you ever been to StumbleUpon? It's FANTASTIC. Really, if you are like me at all then you would love this site. Basically, you check off a list of things you are interested in, and then click a button that takes you to random places on the internet that have to do with things you like. It is pretty awesome, and practical. I use it for my job, actually. My job asks me to be well informed on technology news, so I just clicked a whole bunch of computer and technology topics, and BAM, it takes me there! I love it. And you can put different settings on to protect you from the obscene things on the internet.

Check it out, friends, I'm betting you'll like it.

2. I hate research papers. Okay, not completely, but I am seriously having trouble writing this paper about the role of Grandma in The American Dream. Not only does scholarship on Edward Albee suck, but my time restraints are starting to hurt. And being sick doesn't help.

I also need to do a research paper on my great-great grandmother Emma. And I need my mom to send me the material (HINT, HINT).

3. There is one plus side to being sick. This plus side is the simple facts that certain parties are oh-so-very kind to you when you are sick. Not that they aren't kind to you all the time, but they certainly do go the extra ten miles when your stomach feels like it's kicking you repeatedly with the sharp edge of a butterfly knife.

Oh heck, I'm tired of being vague.

Travis, the boyfriend, has been particularly marvelous during my illness.

He has:
-stopped by my house twice, despite a full schedule, and is coming by later
-offered to make me food, multiple times, although the nature of my illness has forced me to say no
-bought me flowers to make me feel better (three pink and cream gerbera daisies) :]
-bought me two cans of ginger ale, in hopes of calming the beast
-is picking up a book for me from the library
-given me many compliments (which is especially significant in light of the next one...)
-not thrown up at the site of my incredibly disheveled and un-showered state.

What more could a girl ask for?
I guess being sick isn't all that bad.

Sorry for the sappy Dad, but I gotta give props.

4. Life is so good right now, how did I get so lucky? I just keep on thinking back towards just a couple of months ago, when everything was so bad and I was negative about life. Well, not anymore! Heavenly Father has blessed me, and I am going to live it up! Wooooooooooot!


  1. I'm glad you're happy. And I do like Travis. He is a nice young man.

  2. Be very very glad, you did not throw is disgusting. I know because I did it like 5 times last night. I think I threw up a hurt so bad. And Travis is a nice boy.
