
Monday, July 12, 2010

15 important things...

One of my favorite authors of all time (and the time before that) is Sarah Dessen. She is a fantastic young adult author who is at least 30% of why I made it through high school and 60% of my survival after my boyfriend left on his mission last year. Her books are young, romantic, and poignant -- everything I love.

Today I was reading through her blog (45% dorky) when I came across a speech she gave at the NC School of Math and Science. In it, she gives a list of 15 important things to know in life after high school. Here is her list:

1. If you’re in the midst of a breakup and the other person says, “It’s not you, it’s me,” don’t believe them. It’s you.

2. Some things you can skimp on. But if you buy cheap cars, electronics or shoes, you’ll regret it.

3. Don’t pull an all nighter before anything serious, whether it be a job interview or a major exam. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. Everyone is stupid when they are exhausted.

4. Travel. You won’t regret it.

5. Pay more than the minimum payment on your credit card every month. In fact, if you can, pay cash and skip the plastic altogether.

6. Love your family despite your differences, conflicts, and quirks. More often than not, they are the only ones who will always do the same for you.

7. On a related note, spend as much time as you can with your grandparents. Nobody will ever again love you so much and so unconditionally.

8. If you want a tattoo, think about it for at least a year before you get it. And don’t get someone’s name, unless it’s one of your grandparents.

9. Keep your attention on the road when you’re driving. Let your eye be your brake. (That one’s from my dad. Thanks, Dad!)

10. If you’re planning to start a sentence with “I don’t mean to be rude, but…” or some variation of such, just don’t say anything. Really. Just don’t.

11. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. It’s been said before, but bears repeating: kindness begets kindness.

12. If you’re ever tempted to litter, do this: assume that whatever you throw down on the ground, through your entire life, will join you in a small room in the hereafter. Do you want to spend eternity with that styrofoam cup? Didn’t think so.

13. The more you work, the more you work. This one is from my friend John, who is a farmer in Chatham County. He knows about work. But I think his point might be that there’s other things in life, as well. My other favorite of John’s is this: If you want to make a millon dollars farming, start with two million. Don’t know if any of you are planning the agricultural route, but it’s good information, at any rate.

14. Involve yourself in the world around you. Volunteer, run for office, pay attention. The greater your stake, the greater your return. And for that, your children and grandchildren will thank you later.

15. In every ending, there is a beginning. In every mistake, a lesson. And so, in every moment and every one, endless potential. 

I love this list. Not only does it validate my obsession to travel, but it really makes me think about everything I have learned since coming to college. honor of Sarah Dessen and my own progression, here is my list:

15 Things You Really Should Know After Two Years Of College:

1. If you don't do the dishes, no one will. Unfortunately, there is no magical maternal figure that will show up and do them for you. They really will just pile up. And grow mold. Purple mold.

2. Talk to your professors. Most professors are not demons bent on destroying your future via a GPA killing machine. A lot of them actually want to help you. Oh, and rude e-mails just make TAs want to give you worse grades, not better.

3. Roommates can make or break a year, choose wisely. You might not be best friends anymore after a year of living together. Now that I've said that, just know that you can put up with anything for one year. Believe me, ANYTHING.

4.Do the reading. Or at least do the reading for the first few weeks. After you get a feel for the class you can judge if the reading is actually necessary. This goes for class attendance as well. Always go to class for the first few weeks -- even labs. You can't imagine the regret you'll feel when your classmate informs you that attendance counts in lab and you've skipped the first six weeks (not one of my best moves).

5.Spend wisely. You really don't need that new shirt. However, don't be afraid to have fun. Just use wise monetary judgment; think, cute blouse or weekend road trip...

6. Saying you have sick roommates is the perfect way to get an awkward date to leave. Always. The worse the illness, the faster the exit. Think Mono.

7.Family is still necessary in college. Possibly even more necessary than usual. Keep contact, especially with those near by. They are your perfect escape when the stress gets to be too much. Family and music.

8. Don't take 5 credit classes.

9. God falls under the absolutely necessary category. Really. Sometimes out at school there is nobody but you and God. Thank goodness He's there.

10.Sleep is a necessity, unfortunately. While a few all nighters are fun and usually worth it, consistent late nights are death to your body and grades. Take a couple nights to ignore those late night roommate chats and sleep; you'll like them a lot better when you can keep your eyes open.

11.Don't let fights simmer between roommates. Have it out. Speak your part. Don't be steamrolled. But don't be a jerk. Sometimes, you're wrong. Accept it and move on, there are more important things to worry about.

12. Boys come and go. And so do girls. Find those people who know you, accept you, love you, and help you to have the time of your life. Stick with them through thick and thin. In college things change all the time, all anyone wants is a little consistency; you can be that glue for someone else.

13. Please, go frolick some time. Or go lay down in the grass. Or jump in a pool. Smell some of those perfectly manicured campus flowers. Take the time to appreciate that you're YOUNG! you're FRESH! you have your whole life ahead of you and that ROCKS! In the midst of finals and that boy who will never love you there is a whole lot of really good life going on out there.

14. In combination with that, remember that there is a world outside of college. You are in a bubble. That bubble will not last forever. Be active in the world. Know the news, vote, volunteer, help.

15. As some friends once told me, this is your "me" time. Figure out who you are. Don't get lost in those thousands of people going to school with you every day. You're still you and you need to know what that means. Find values. Real ones. And stick with them. Don't let that first love change your mind, or the second one either. And you don't have to be the same person you were in high school; the fact that people can change is a beautiful thing.

So there is my list. I think I was talking to myself more than an audience. I'm still learning.
Did you like my list? Did I forget any? Feel free to add/make your own!


  1. Emma! It is so way fun to take 5 credit classes when you're with me! I think you're pretty right and I would have to agree with most of your list. But I just might make my own...

  2. Emma I like your 15 more than the other 15!! I would also add that life is always better lived at the University of Utah!! :)

  3. Here's mine: If you had a good time in high school, don't be greedy and expect college to be just as much fun. There's only so much happiness to go around.
