
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It Begins Here...

So, school started.

Yeah, that definitely explains the lack of posting. Especially with my insane schedule. We're talking 12+ hours spent on campus. On Tuesday, I have 10 hours of class. No joke.

Not to say I am not enjoying it.

In fact, I would have to say this is one of my best semesters yet. I am actually starting the education program, which means field experience in high/middle schools, which means professional dress, which means SHOPPING! YES!

It's kind of fun to get a taste of what I will actually be doing with my life as an educator. There is so much more that goes into it than I first thought. Did you know that there are four moral dimensions of teacher?

-Enculturate with democracy
-Stewardship over schools
-Create a nurturing pedagogy
-Access to knowledge for all

Who knew? Actually, who even knows what that means? For educators, they sure use poor wording.

Cool New Website for the Week:
It's an excellent source on all young adult novels. It includes lists of popular novels, reviews, bios on authors, info on film adaptations, and a section titled "Cool and New" that keeps you updated on the ever-expanding genre of Young Adult literature. It was highly recommended by the education librarian, so I trust her. Check it out! I like it a lot; the "Cool and New" is especially helpful when looking for new reads.

I'm also taking an adolescent development class. This could mean lots of good things for this blog. We're talking in-depth analysis of my own physical, cognitive, and social development. Hmmm...on second thought, I might keep that to myself. We'll see.

There is also Utah history, a jumble of obvious fun. My teacher seems like she just walked out of the family history center. Truthfully, she probably did. But, the cool thing is that instead of doing a research paper I can use research my own ancestors from Utah. My mom just sent me a couple diaries from my native-Utah grandmother to transcribe. Even though the diaries are from when my grandmother was on her mission in Texas, I am still hoping to incorporate them. So exciting!

I am also taking a post-modern American literature class. There is no better feeling than understanding the rise of post-structuralism. No. Better. Feeling.

So there is a brief synopsis of my new life. If only I could get it all in order!

One last thought,

In my education class, my professor wrote on the board:

English = analysis + synthesis of text.

I thought that was a pretty accurate description. But I came up with a few more:

English =
Language and Power

Any contribution to my list?

1 comment:

  1. You sound very educated.

    And I don't feel like I do...I think I am going to go to school wherever you end up. And send my kids to you. Because you'll be awesome. And I'll be set for life with intelligent offspring.
