
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read:

I'm doing it again! The Broke and the Bookish have put up another excellent Top Ten Tuesday subject, so I am going to feed my obsession with lists and participate!


1. East of Eden by John Stienbeck
If you'll kindly look to the right you will notice East of Eden has been on my Goodreads "Currently Reading" shelf for some time. I picked up the book one night while on vacation, read the first chapter, and have yet to pick it up again. I am ashamed. I love Stienbeck; The Grapes of Wrath is one of my favorite American novels. I don't know why my hands never reach for it these days.

2. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
It seems like everyone read this book in the ninth grade. Somehow, I missed out. Oh well, I saw the movie and I almost cried when Piggy died. I can't decide if I want to experience that again.

3. Brave New World by Adolus Huxley
I borrowed this book from my sister-in-law a little while ago, but I have yet to actually crack the cover. I hear it is a good read, especially in comparison to 1984. The print is just sooooo small...

4. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Okay. I have a good reason for this one. My professor for Brit Lit assigned this book to be read in one class period. That's TWO DAYS to read Dickens' 250+ pages. Yeah. He obviously didn't realize I had a Russian test at the same time. Not happening.
(I'm still ashamed I never read it...I hope Dr. Walker never sees this post)

5. Anything by Virginia Woolf
This one is particularly shameful given the extended research paper I did on her a year ago. I've had Jacob's Room since that time period, but have yet to open it. At least I got an A on the paper.

6.Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
I might be the only person in the world to have read Alice in Wonderland but not its companion. I think I missed out on some elements in the movie. (Did anyone like that movie? I was impartial)

7. Where the Red Fern Grows by by Wilson Rawls
I just can't muster the courage to read this book. I have a huge aversion to dog drama. I refuse to watch movies where dogs die ("The Secret Window," "I Am Legend"). Let's just say too much exposure to "Old Yeller" in elementary school. I don't think I could deal with a book about dogs dying any more than a movie. Never the less, I feel guilty for avoiding such a classic.

8. Anything by Henry David Thoreau
I love the transcendentalists. I feel like I'm selling them short by not showing any love to Thoreau.

9. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I have owned this book for, honestly, five years. I've started it at lease six times. I am going to Russia. I feel an obligation to read Russian authors. And yet, I cannot read it. I guess my will to be intelligent is overwhelmed by by will to be lethargic.

10. Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
Dr. Burton, I am ashamed.

Great topic this week, what's on your list?


  1. I've only read Brave New World and I'm not sad that I haven't the others.

  2. Oh, Where the Red Fern Grows! I could cry by just reading the title aloud! Wonderful story.

    I'm a new follower! Stop by my blog if you get a chance.

  3. Apparently To The Lighthouse by V. Woolf is great...I read a chapter of her essay "A Room of One's Own" for my Amstudies(aka Women's Studies) class and I loved her stuff...can't wait to dive into an actual written work of hers!

    Also, Where The Red Fern Grows is a must...I don't remember it being all that traumatic--which is saying something since I was quite young whilst reading it. Pretty sure I did some project on it in school at one time, too.

    And I still can't believe you haven't finished East of Eden! Get past the first, well, half of the book, honestly. Then you'll be transported to amazingland!

  4. OK. So it's Saturday but I still wanted to participate. I hope you are willing to take a look at my top ten "I can't believe I haven't read" books, too.

    Hey, you and I have very similar lists. Guess we missed the same classes in high school.


  5. Ooh, I just read A Brave New World this summer fully expecting to find it inferior to Orwell's much-praised 1984. Surprise of surprises, I liked Huxley's book infinitely better.
